Есть ответ 👍 Read the title of the text. In pairs, discuss why you love weekends.
A: I love weekends because I meet my friends and we go out together.
B: Me too. We usually go window-shopping or play basketball.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

2. mark has to wear a uniform at work. he's a doctor. 3. we've got plenty of time before the film starts. we don't have to hurry. 4. ann doesnt have to get up early on saturdays because she doesn't work. 5. ken broke his leg. he has to go to the doctors. 6. on school nights, i have to go to bed early. 7. we are going to a restaurant tonight, so mum doesn't have to cook. 8. my room is a mess. i have to tidy it. 9. joey doesnt have to water the plants because it rained yesterday. 10. samantha has to type letters at work. she's a secretary.

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