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Robert Burns was a son of a poor farmer and himself a(1) labourer until he was 27, when he became__(2) after publication of his first book of poems. The book ___(3) mostly songs and narrative poems about common people, their life and work. Burns' countrymen (4) his poetry, and the poet himself for his jolly and friendly character. Here is one of the numerous ___(5) told about the poet. One day Robert was in the docks ___ (6) the sea and heard a cry for help. He saw a drowning man and ran _(7) the water. At the same moment he heard a splash of water and _(8) a sailor jump into the water from the nearest boat that stood at the dock and (9) towards the man who was calling for help. In several _(10) the sailor returned with the rescued man. By that time a crowd of people had (11) on the shore, and they cheered the brave sailor. The rescued man turned out to (12) a rich merchant.

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Скажем две вещи, каждая из этих мест, например, мексика - это страна в северной америке. мексика - соседка нас на юге. канада, аляска, техас, вашингтон, д.к., нью-йорк, флорида; род-осленд, тихоокеанский океан, атлантический океан миссиссипи, великие озера, река потомак, скалистые горы

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