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Капитал дегеніміз не? пролетарлар деген не ??

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Ответы на вопрос:

Капита дегенимиз-ақша айналымға пайда түсіру үшін, яғни бастапқы жұмсалған сомадан артық сома алу максатында жұмсалған жағдай

Hi zhandas, how are things? i'm really busy because i'm going to visit (visit) china next month. i've got lots of things to do before i go. i've decided that i am going to learn (learn) some chinese. there's a chinese boy at school called chan, and he will teach (teach) me some words and phrases. it will probably be (be) very cold when i get to china, so i am going to take (take) some really warm clothes! and i've decided that next week i will buy (buy) a new camera, too. i'm sure the people in china will show (show) me lots of amazing things, and i will want   (want) to take hundreds of photos!   see you soon. jake

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