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Write the correct comparative and superlative forms for the following adjectives. For example: tall – taller – the tallest
nice, careful, dark, ugly, delicate, charming, long, handsome, thick, slow, nervous, kind, mean, lazy, emotional, silly, sensitive, boring, clever, fat

Задание. Make comparisons as in the example.
Helen is cheerful. (Jane\ ever met) - Jane is more cheerful than Helen. – She is the most cheerful person I’ve ever met.
1. Mary is thin. (Ann\ in this group)
2. John is clever. (James\ in our class)
3. My sister is rather attractive. (Our neighbor Mrs Roma\ in the neighbourhood)
4. Bob’s cousin is very pretty. (His girlfriend\ among people I know)
5. Mario is handsome. (His friend Marcus\ in our street)
6. My classmate Bob is tall. (His friend Jim\in our team)
7. Your hair is dark. (Your brother’s hair\ in your family)
8. Her eyes are charming. (Her smile\ in the world)
9. Al’s girlfriend has got long and thick eyelashes. (My girlfriend\ ever seen)
10. Their boss makes an impression of a very ambitious person. (My colleague\ in our company)
11. Caucasian people are generous. (The Russians\ in the world)

Задание. Complete the sentences as in the example.
1. My sister is ……… more beautiful than ……………. yours. (beautiful)
2. Ann smiles…………….Pam. (broadly)
3. She is ……………… somebody else in the class. (hard-working)
4. Our friend looks ………………. today ……….a week ago. (happy)
5. The English are …………….as you know …………. the Italians. (polite)
6. People from the southern countries are …………….. those from the northern countries. (reserved)

Задание. Complete the sentences with “in”, “of”, “than”, “as …as”, “the”

There are six of us in our family: Mum, Dad, my two brothers, Peter and Tony, my sister Tina and me. My two brothers are older …… me. Peter is …….oldest but Tony is taller ……..he. Tony is two years younger …… Peter. Tina is …… tall …… I am but her hair is longer and she is heavier …….. me. I think she is more intelligent …….. me. My mother says I am ……. most helpful …… all but my father says that I am ……. noisiest …… all. I don’t know if that is true – but we are …… happiest family ……street.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. I had been swimming.

2. They had been reading.

3. She had been writing.


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