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Choose the correct answer. 1 What did you for dinner yesterday?

A eats B ate C eat

2 Artyom walked the road.

A under B through C across

3 I what to say!

A didn't know B not know C didn't knew

4 Walk the hospital to get to the train station.

A down B past C along

5 Erkejan a long letter to her pen-friend.

A writes B write C wrote

6 the horror film on TV last night?

A Do you see B Did you saw C Did you see

7 Alex went to the park and his friends.

A met B meet C meets

8 He tripped and fell the stairs.

A into B along C down

9 We had an amazing time .

A tonight B yesterday C tomorrow

10 They a long time at the museum.

A didn’t spend B didn’t spent C not spend

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Ответы на вопрос:

I don't know, I'm sorry, but I want to keep you.

But I can't understand my ban not Kidai

Туристическая в лондоне всегда посетить вестминстер и биг бен. они хотят видеть часы в своей башне и слышать bells.big бен действительно bell.the колокол более двух метров в высоту и куранты каждые четверть часа.каждым утром можно услышать по радио: "это это время bbc.вшесть часов ".и тогда вы услышите глубокий бум биг бен шесть часов. башня биг бен является символом лондона и великобритании.

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