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Use the past simple and past continuous. 1. She saw the spider when she was buying some fruit. (see, buy) 2. His mobile when he. (ring, drive) 3. Neil late when his boss a speech. (arrive, make) 4. They___ football when it to rain. (play, start) 5. We a party when I this photo. (have, I take) 6. We the result when we I in France. (hear, travel)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. She saw the spider when she was buying some fruit.

2. His mobile rang when he was driving.

3. Neil arrived late when his boss was making a speech.

4. They were playing football when it started to rain.

5. We were having a party when I took this photo.

6. We heard the result when we were travelling in France.

1) which is the most common word in english?

2) february is shorter than january.

3) which one is the heaviest book on the table?

4) horses are more intelligent than donkeys.

5) is august (intelligent the hottest month of the year?

1) he arrived earlier than expected.

2) he checked his answers more carefully than she did.

3) my sister sang more beautifully than amanda did.

4) he hit his arm harder than before.

5) my mother and my sister talked louder than the other guests.

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