Есть ответ 👍

Представьте себе, что вы приехали в Лондон и поселились в гостинице. Вы пишите письмо своему другу. Вы рассказывает ему о тех местах и достопримечательностях, которые вы увидели. Используйте оборот there+be на месте пропусков. Dear … (your friend’s name),
This is the Paradise Hotel. It is my favourite place in London. It is great, and it’s not expensive. (…) a big swimming pool, a disco and a fitness room at the hotel. (…) three bars and two restaurants. (…) a nice park and a small fountain near the hotel. (… /not) shops at the hotel, but there are good shops in Morning Hill.
Morning Hill is a busy place in London. (…/not) big museums in it but (…) an interesting market.(…) good places for food? Yes! (…) nice cafes. They are cheap. My favourite place is the Italian café. (…) good restaurants, but they are expensive. The bars are always busy. My favourite bar is the Market Bar. The music is good and the atmosphere is friendly in this bar.
(…) many sights in London, so I spend all my time sightseeing around the city.
See you soon
Best wishes, …. (your name)

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