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HELPING AT HOME Today is Sunday. My family and I are at home, and we have different responsibilities for today. My two brothers clean their bedroom. They make their beds and clean the windows. My sister Sarah helps my mother in the kitchen. My mom has been cooking since she was 8.
I clean the living room and the dining room. I sweep the floor and dust the furniture. But I don’t clean the bathroom on Sunday, my brothers clean it.
My father washes his car every Sunday. I sometimes help my dad and he helps me with my homework. He is great!
We have a dog. Its name is Dingo. It is also a member of the family and it helps too. It takes the newspaper into the house.
We are a great family and a great team!

a) Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
1. Where is a family?
a. At home
b. In the field
c. At the stadium
d. On the beach

2. Who does clean the bathroom on Sunday?
a) My sisters
b) My brothers
c) My uncle
d) My dad

3. How does the dog help the family?
a. Sweep the floor
b. Makes the bed
c. Takes the newspaper into the house
d. Dust the furniture

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Объяснение: Гладкая зеркальная поверхность без дефектов . Можете почитать про то как делают огромные зеркала для телескопов. Это долгий, сложный и технологичный процесс. Их там отливают, охлаждают, полируют. Такая высокая степень отражения требуется для того чтобы получаемая картинка была очень точная. Там одно зеркало могут делать больше года.

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