26.03.2022 15:15
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Read the text and mark the statements T<br />(true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say).<br />Vincent van Gogh was a brilliant Dutch<br />painter. He was born in 1853 in the<br />Netherlands. Van Gogh had many different<br />jobs when he was young. He worked in a<br />bookshop, sold works of art and was a<br />teacher. But in the end, he decided to<br />study painting. In 1886, he went to Paris to<br />live with his brother Theo. Theo was Van<br />Gogh's best friend and always gave his<br />brother money for food. In Paris, Van Gogh<br />met many famou​

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4,7(17 оценок)

Не разводите костер в лесу, если в этом нет острой необходимости.

Помните: ни при каких обстоятельствах нельзя разводить костры под пологом леса, особенно хвойного молодняка, на торфяных почвах, а также в пожароопасную погоду.

Тушение костра должно быть проведено очень тщательно.


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