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ть 1.We already (to have) breakfast *

a)already have had

b)have already had

2. Janet(to be) in the park with her daughter in the evening. *
а)have been

3.Alan (to lose) his credit card a week ago *
a) lost
b) has lost

4.Have you written the report? *
a) last week
b) yet

5.You can put this shirt on. Mother has ironed it. *
a) just
b) yet

6.The Clarks ___(to move) to a new flat three months ago. *
a) moved
b) have moved

7.Alex (to send) you five messages since yesterday. *
a) has sent
b) sent

8.She (to hear) from her aunt lately. *
a) didn't hear
b) hasn't heard

9.Max (to wash) his hands and (to go) to the kitchen. *
a) washed/ went
b) has washed/ went​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Глагол дурачиться , строить из себя клоуна шута

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