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"War does not determine who is right - only
who is left."

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) он может и не прийти a) не can't come. b) he couldn't come. c) не may not come. d) he will not be able to come 2) кто это может быть? a) who may it be? b) who might it be? c) who can it be? d) who must it be? ii. выберите правильный артикль: the, a (an). переведите предложения. 1) dreiser, .a.. famous american writer joined the communist party at the age of 74. 2) he's .an.. engineer. 3) how many times .a.. month do you go to .the.. theatre? 4) have you ever been to .. south? 5) ..the. browns left for hawaii ..a. week ago. 6) my favourite subject at school was english. 7) she loves life. iii. выберите правильную форму глагола. переведитепредложения. 1) last summer we usually to the cafe to have breakfast. a) went c) were going b) gone d) had gone 2) she said that she to italy. a) was never c) had never been b) had been never d) has never been 3)if the weather fine tomorrow, we shall go for a walk. a) be c) will be b) is d) shall be iv.выберите правильный перевод. 1) он немного говорит по-китайски a) не speaks chinese a few. b) he speaks chinese a little. c) he speaks chinese little. d) he doesn't speak chinese a much. 2) у меня сегодня мало времени a) i have no time today. b) i haven't got much time today. c) i've got a little time today.

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