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Переведите на . только без яндекса,он иногда не ! мои друзья! я имею много друзей и так же близких подруг. у меня есть 3 подруги,которые всегда мне и в радости ,и в печали! их имена: маргарита,настя и маша. маргарита прикольная подруга! она- весёлая,отзывчивая и жизнерадостная. настя тоже хорошая подруга! с ней можно поговоритьо любом о спорте,о еде и о многом другом. маша отличная подруга! ей можно доверять как и насте с маргаритой! она- добрая, спокойная и я люблю своих друзей! они для меня много значат! ведь как говорил габриэль гарсиа маркес настоящий друг - это тот, кто будет держать тебя за руку и чувствовать твоё сердце.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My friends! i have a lot of friends and also close friends. i have 3 friends who always help me in a fun and in a their names are margarita, nastya and masha. margarita is a funny friend! she is funny, helpful and nastya is a good friend too.

Ihave many friends and close friends.i have three friends, who always help in joy and in sorrow! their names are: magaret, nastya and masha. margaret is a cool friend! you can rely her as well as nastya and margaret! she is kind, patient and ! i love all my friends! they mean a lot for me! after all, how gabriel garcia said "a real friend is that will keep your arm and feel your heart"

1. i am looking forward to a three- days holiday.  2. i am going to stay in a small three stars hotel somewhere near a gold beach. 3. the journey went smooth, but i was disappointed. 4. i don't like this restaurant; we waited on unsmiled waiters.  5. you should have chosen your hotel carefully.  6. i wish  i could stay at the hotel for the rich people and famous.  7 . she can't get married yet. she's not  old  enough . 8. the smoke rose high into the air. 9. don't walk so fast! can't you walk slower  ?   10. tom has passed his first exam. everything was getting good.  11. she told me the camera was new and i was  stupid    enough to believe.  12. i don't think he is really experienced  enough  for this sort of job.  13. the food tasted awfully but coffe was delicious.  14. she looked sadly at me. 15. i was disappointed with the play. i'd expected it to be much better.  16. jerry doesn't feel  well    enough to go to school this morning.  17. it feels warm in here. 18. this is a school for the deaf people.  19. we felt disappointed when we got lost. 20. the riches are very lucky.

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