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Нужно вставить артикли мне это завта сдавать

Exercise 1
Insert the article where it is necessary.
1. This is … pen. That is … pencil. 2. This is … book. It is my … book. 3. Is this your … pencil? — No, it
isn’t my … pencil, it is my sister’s … pencil. 4. I have … sister. My … sister is … engineer. My sister’s …
husband is … doctor. They have got two … children. 5. This is … girl. This … girl is their … daughter.
Their daughter’s … name is Vera. 6. That is … boy. That … boy is her … brother. Her brother’s … name
is Nick. 7. This is our … flat. 8. We have got … car. Our … car is not very expensive but reliable. 9. I have
no … pet. 10. My granny has got … headache. She has no … idea what to do. 11. I have … friend. His …
name is Mike. My … friend is very good. 12. It’s … cat. Its … tail is long and bushy. It’s Mike’s … cat.

Exercise 2
Insert the article where it is necessary.
1. When is your … birthday? — My … birthday is (on) … 1st May. 2. Do you remember your mother’s
… birthday? — Yes, I do. 3. His … uncle is generous and her … aunt is very kind. 4. That … man is very
clever. His … book is recognized by a lot of people. 5. They know our … address. 6. Their … son speaks
English very well. 7. My cousin’s … dog is small. Its … hair is curly. 8. Is this … watch? — No, it isn’t …
watch, it’s … pen. 9. This … pen is good, and that … pen is bad. 10. I can see … pencil on your … table,
but I can see no … paper. 11. Give me … chair, please. 12. They have … dog and two … cats. 13. I have …
spoon in my … soup plate, but I have no … soup in it. 14. My … friend says he is going to be … millionaire
one … day. 15. Would you like … orange? 16. Mr Smith is … artist. Mrs Smith is … poetess. She is not … singer.

Exercise 3
Insert the article where it is necessary.
1. He hasn’t got … car. But he’s got … computer. … computer is new. 2. His … friends have got
… cat and … dog. … dog never bites … cat. 3. This is … tree. … tree is green. 4. I can see three … boys.
… boys are playing. 5. I have … bicycle. … bicycle is black. My … friend has no … bicycle. 6. Our … room
is large. 7. We wrote … dictation yesterday. … dictation was long. 8. She has two … daughters and one
… son. Her … son is … pupil. 9. Last year I gave my … mother … bracelet for her … birthday. She liked
… bracelet. 10. My … brother’s … friend has no … dog. 11. This … pencil is broken. Give me that …
pencil, please. 12. She has … ball. … ball is … big. 13. I got … letter from my … friend yesterday. … letter
was interesting. 14. When they were in Geneva, they stayed at … hotel. Sometimes they had dinner
at … hotel and sometimes in … restaurant. 15. I’ve got … idea.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:


Insert the article where it is necessary.

1. This is a pen. That is the pencil. 2. This is a book. It is my book. 3. Is this your pencil? — No, it

isn’t my pencil, it is my sister’s pencil. 4. I have sister. My sister is engineer. My sister’s

husband is a doctor. They have got two children. 5. This is a girl. This the girl is their a daughter.

Their daughter’s name is Vera. 6. That is a boy. That boy is her brother. Her brother’s name

is Nick. 7. This is our flat. 8. We have got a car. Our car is not very expensive but reliable. 9. I have

no pet. 10. My granny has got a headache. She has no idea what to do. 11. I have friend. His

name is Mike. My friend is very good. 12. It’s cat. Its tail is long and bushy. It’s Mike’s cat.

при вживанні особи, чисел не використовується артикль при повторенні іменника ставиться уже the

1. I was writing an essay when i was home. (True)

2. While I was watching the most exciting part of my favourite program i was at school (False)

3. We were winning the game when we had a support from our fans (True)

4. A friend was telling me something really important when i was playing football (False)

5. While I was trying to fall asleep i was thinking about present day.


1. Я писал эссе когда я был дома ( Правда)

2. Я смотрел самую интересную часть моей любимой программы в школе (Неправда)

3. Мы выигрывали когда наши болельщики поддерживали нас (Правда)

4. Друг говорил мне что то важное пока я играл в футбол (Неправда)

5. Когда я пытался заснуть я думал о сегодняшнем дне (Правда)

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