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Task 2. Write some sentences about how you can help at elderly bome. You can answer the question below. Help at elderly house
Today is Sunday. My family and I are at home, and we have different
responsibilities for today. My two brothers clean their bedroom They make their
beds and clean the windows. My sister Sarah helps my mother in the kitchen My
mom has been cooking since she was 8. I clean the living room and the dining
room I sweep the floor and dust the fumiture. But I don't clean the bathroom on
Sunday, my brothers clean it. My father washes his car every Sunday. I sometimes
help my dad and he helps me with my homework He is great! We have a dog Its
name is Dingo. It is also a member of the family and it helps too. It takes the
newspaper into the house. We are a great family and a great team!​

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once a city mouse visited his cousin in the country. the country mouse shared his simple but wholesome food. peas, tasty roots were stored in the mouse’s home in the field.

«i find the countryside charming,» the city mouse said to his cousin, «but your food is plain, and your home quite dreary.»

«come to the city and live with me, we shall play in my luxurious home – and will have a banquet each day.»

so they left the green country and moved to the city. the noise, the traffic, bustling crowds jostling each other was almost too much for the simple country mouse.

«here we are at last,» said the sophisticated city mouse as they entered into a huge towering mansion.

the house was elegant… deep carpets, plush furniture – and a pantry that was full of the best food. swiss cheese, salty bacon and fresh biscuits – all were there, ready to eat.

hungry from long journey, the city mouse and the country mouse began their feast.

suddenly a heavy door slammed, loud footsteps of big boots were heard – the threatening deep purr of an angry cat chilled the air.

«what was that? » the country mouse stuttered. 

«oh, that is the master with his big cat.»

«good-by, cousin,» the country mouse squealed as he leaped through the hole in the pantry wall. «i’m going back to the country. i prefer to live with the woods and the fresh gurgling streams rather than in your exciting city.»


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