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Fill in: spread, Industrial, powered, invented, twist, engines, conditions,
housing, wages, standard.

1 People built new machines in the
Revolution in the 18th century.
2 The news
very fast.
3 In the 18th century, working
were very hard.
4 James Hargreaves
the spinning
jenny to
thread for making cloth
in 1764.
5 In 1850, many poor English people lived in
terrible overcrowded
6 Workers in 18th-century factories received
very low
7. As work in the factories improved, people
had a better
of living.
8 Steam
needed coal to make
steam. They machines in factories.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. industrial

2. twist

3. conditions

4. invented , spread

5. housing

6. wages

7. standard

8. engines, powered

1. he is singing. do you know the song? 2. i can sing well. i like english and russian songs. 3. at the age of four david could read and write. 4. did you go to school at the age of six? 5. there was an apple in the bag. where is the apple? 6. there was a pen on the desk. where is the pen? 7. there is a long ruler on the teacher's table. that is the longest ruler we have. 8. there is a cup on the table. shall i wash the cup? 9. there are carpets on the floor. do you like the carpets? 10. there is a picture on the wall. i drew the picture yesterday.

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