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ОЧЕНЬ ДАМ МАКС. Choose the correct option for each sentence.
1.When I was a child I like peanuts.
1) didn't use to
2) wouldn't
3) both are correct
2In the morning he sit on the front porch and read.
1) used to
2) would
3) both are possible
3Which sentence is NOT correct?
1) I would go shopping with her every Friday.
2) I would have very blond hair.
3) She would call me after class to chat.
4I wear glasses when I was at university.
1) didn't use to
2) wouldn't
3) both are correct
5When the weather was bad, I stay home and read comic books.
1) used to
2) would
3) both are possible

6How many friends have?
1) did you use to
2) would you
3) both are possible
7Which sentence is NOT correct?
1) I didn't use to like cheese when I was younger.
2) I didn't use to walk home after school.
3) As a child, I would hate having to get up early.
8When I was a child, we live in the countryside.
1) used to
2) would
3) both are possible
9On Sundays, my mum wake us up and cook pancakes.
1) used to
2) would
3) both are possible
10My brother and I fight all the time.
1) used to
2) would
3) both are possible

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. 1)

2. 1)

3. 3)

4. 1)

5. 2)

6. 2)

7. 3)

8. 1)

9. 2)

10. 3)


решение. 1. ri=2*r; rii=r/2; ri/rii=4; не надо ни о какой площади сечения говорить. два куска проволоки содинили последовательно, получили ri=2*r; два куска той же проволоки соединили параллельно, получили rii=r/2; ну, а теперь раздели первое на второе!

а теперь общий случай: ri=r*n; rii=r/n; ri/rii=n^2; кусок проволоки разрезали на n одинаковых кусков. сначала эти куски соединяют последовательно: ri=r*n; затем соединяют параллельно rii=r/n; ну и дели первое на второе и делай выводы.

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