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Let's go out. it 't ( not/rain ) now.  2. julia is very good at language. she   speaks __ ( speak ) four languages very well.  3. hurry up ! everybody __is__waiting __ ( wait ) for you.  4. ' _are you ( you/listen ) to the radio ? ' 'no, you can turn it off.'  5. ' you  listen ( you/listen ) to the radio every day ? ' 'no, just occasionally.'  6. the river nile __flows ( flow ) into the mediterranean.  7. look at the river. it _is  flowing ( flow ) very fast today --much faster than usual.  8. we usually ( grow ) vegetables in our garden but this year we _didn' __ ( not/grow ) any.  9. 'how is your english ? ' 'not bad. it  improves ( improve ) slowly.'  10. ron is in london at the moment. he __is  ( stay ) at the park hotel. he __always stays ( always/stay ) there when he's in london.  11. can we stop walking soon ? i _am  starting ( start ) to feel tired.  12. 'can you drive ? ' 'i am  ( learn ). my father _teachs ( teach ) me.'  13. normally i ( finish ) work at 5.00, but this week i _am_working ( work ) until 6.00 to earn a bit more money.  14. my parents ( live ) in bristol. they were born there and have never lived anywhere else. where __do _  your parents live ( your parents/live ) ?   15. sonia __ _looks ( look ) for a place to live. she __is ( stay ) with her sister until she finds somewhere.  16. 'what ( your father/do ) ? ' 'he's an architect but he ( not/work ) at the moment.'  17. ( at a party ) usually i ( enjoy ) parties but i _am not __enjoying ( not/enjoy ) this one very much.  18. the train is never late. it leaves ( always/leave ) on time.  19. jim is very untidy. he __always ( always /leave ) his things all over the place.

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