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she fell into the water because she ( was pushed). are  we (supposed) to take your remark seriously?   they say she (will be interviewed) for the job tomorrow.  the newspaper (had been delivered) before i got up this morning.  milk can (be bought) at the shop on the corner.  we (were told) there (would be) a private bathroom for every room.  next week we (will be told) who will be in charge of the depart­ment.  i phoned the police when i found out that my passport (had been stolen).  a new plug for the television must (be bought).    smoking (isnot allowed) in this part of the building.    i (was told) that fifty people (were invited) to the reception.  the national gallery (is being restored) at the moment.  during the gulf war many oil wells in kuwait(were damaged).  he (was arrested) by a security guide, who later admitted he had made a mistake.  when i entered the room richard still (was being examined).  i wonder who else is going (to be  invited).    oranges usually ( are treated) with wax and then (stored) in large boxes.  we can't take the car yet: it still (is being repaired).  the windows are really dirty: they (havenot been /cleaned) for years.  do you need (to be woken) up in the morning?   the local cinema (was closed down) three years ago.  very few typewriters (are sold) these days.   it (was estimated) that after it (would be opened) the millenium bridge (would be used) by four million people to cross the thames each year. simon says he regrets giving up studying french at school, as now he (is  offered) a gob a france. sarah felt unhappy that she (hadnot been /picked)   for the basketball team. trafalgar square looks much better   now that some of the buildings (have been  cleaned). the cat nearly (had been run) over   but luckily the driverstopped just in time. suzy recently (has been chosen) to represent her school at the national youth festival. the principle of free medicalcare for everyone (was  established) in britain in 1948.   chris informed that he (had been selected) to go on an expedition through the jungle. when the film came out it (was praised) highly by critics. nowadays ordinarry letters (are replaced) gradually by email. although the puppy (was swept) out to sea by the huge waves he managed to   swim back. the police suspected that the jewels (had been hidden) in the van. i recently (have been asked) to give a talk about how to prepere students for examinations. customers ( are requested) to   leave their bags at he desk when trying on footwear. her brother is in hospital now. he (is being treated) for a stomach ulcer. i just (have been told) you wished to see me.

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