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5. Complete the questions with these question words: What, Which, When, Where, Why, How much, How many, What time, Whose

1. A: ... is a girl by the window? B: My cousin, Ann
2. A: ... did you have for lunch? B: A chicken sandwich and yoghurt.
3. A: ... pen do you want – the blue or the red? B: The blue, please.
4. A: ... is she singing? B: Because she’s happy.
5. A: ... lemonade have you got? B: Two bottles
6. A : ... is this DVD? B: It’s mine.
7. A : ... did Leonardo da Vinci die? B: In 1519.
8. A : ... did Leonardo da Vinci die? B: In France
9. A: ... did they leave the party? B: At 11 o’clock
10.A: ... children have they got? B: Three

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2. what



5.how much




9.what time

10.how many

1) get (0 тип)

2) would play (2 тип)3) will be (1 тип)

4) wold have given (3 тип)5) had known (3 тип)

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