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НУЖНО 1. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в зависимости от смысла, в Pr. In./Pr. C. :
1.What you (to do) here? - I (to wait) for a friend.
2. He (to speak) English? - Yes, he (to speak) English quite fluently.
3. Don't enter into the classroom! The students (to write) a test there.
4. Mother (to cook) dinner now. She always (to do) it in the afternoon .
2. Put the verb into the correct form, Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. How many languages ……………………. (Tom/ speak)?
2. This machine ……………………. (not/ work). It hasn't work for years.
3.Hurry! The bus ……………………. (come). I ……………………. (not/ want) to miss it.
4.We usually ……………………. (grow) vegetables in our garden but his year we …………………….(not/grow)any.
5.George says he’s 80 years old but I ……………………. (not/ believe) him.
3. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму.
1. Hurry! The train … (come). I … (not/plan) to miss it.
2. The river Dnepr … (flow) into the Black Sea.
3. The river … (flow) very slow today slower than usual.
4. … (it/ever/snow) in Hawaii?
5. Can you speak English? – No, but I … (learn). My schoolmate … (teach me).
4. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму.
1.Usually we … (grow) berries in our kitchen garden but this year we … (grow) vegetables.
2.You can borrow my bicycle. I … (not/need) it at the moment.
3.John says he’s sixteen years old but we … (not/believe) him.
4.Usually I … (enjoy) meetings with friends but I … (enjoy) this meeting very much.
5. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму.
1.Catherine is in Paris at the moment. She … (stay) at her friends. She usually … (stay) at her friends when she’s in Paris.
2.At this moment she … (stay) with her brother until she finds a flat to rent.
3.His father … (live) in London. He moved there long time ago. And where … (your father/live)?
4.What … (your grandmother/do)? – She’s a nurse, but she … (not/work) at the moment.
6. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму.
1.She (to write) letters to her mother every week.
2. Ships (to travel) from Saratov to Novgorod in three and a half days.
3. The man who (to smoke) a cigarette is our English teacher.
4. Let's go for a walk, it not (to rain).
7. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму.
1. You (to hear) anything? - I (to listen) hard, but I not (to hear) anything.
2. My father (to smoke) a great deal.
3. Listen! The telephone (to ring).
4. Where is Peter? - He (to have) his English lesson. I think that he always (to study) it in the evening.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) What are you doing here? I’m waiting for a friend
2) Does he speak English? Yes, he speaks ..
3) The students are writing...
4) is cooking; does

1) How many languages does Tom speak?
2) doesn’t work
3) is coming; i don’t want
4) grow; don’t grow
4) don’t believe

1) is coming; i’m not planning
2) flows
3) is flowing
4) does it ever snow
5) learning; teaching (тут не уверена)

1) grow; are growing
2) i’m not needing
3) don’t believe
4) enjoy; enjoy

1) is Staying ; stays
2) is staying
3) lives; is your father live
4) is your grandmother doing, isn’t working

1) writes
2) traveling
3) is smoking
4) raining

1) Do you hear... I’m listening, don’t hear
3) is ringing
4) is having ; studies

1. He FINISHED training
2. She SCORED twenty points in the match
3. We WATCHED all the Champions League matches this season
4. Thats amazing! She RAN fifteen kilometers this morning
5. She BOUGHT some really nice rollerblades
6. Oh, no! I LOST my money
7. My mum WROTE shopping list. It’s on the kitchen table
8. Dad, you ate my biscuit
9. I’m tired. I WATCHED three X-Files videos
10. Hurry up! They STARTED the film !
11. Mary STUDIED hard this year, so she’ll pass her exams
12. Oh no! She DROPPED the plate
13. The garden is very green. It RAINED a lot this month
14. There are my favourite trousers. I HAD them for for five years
15. Tom’s my best friend. I KNOW him for three years
16. They LIVED in Miami for two years
17. Jo has earache. He HAD it since 7 o’clock
18. Brad LIVED in Chicago since 1998

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