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Ex:1 p. 18. Match the animals to the pictures 1-6. Which ones do you like? Which ones are you afraid of? Why? why not?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:rat крыса

spider паук

crocodile крокодил

snake змея

camel  верблюд

lion лев


4,4(100 оценок)

4. You should visit your sick friends.

5. You should have visited your sick friend, but you didn't

6. Would you like some more tea

7. I had to do it

8. I do not know why we were a hurry. We don't need to there was a harry.

9. I would like to go with you

10.You can do whatever you want

11.Olga needs to pay more attention to English classes

12. I not sure,but maybe he's wrong

13.He has allowed to take his father's car last day

14.I can count to 50 on Spanish

Популярно: Английский язык