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35 Match the words to make the phrases. e) an invitation
a) English
f) girls and boys
b) the story
1. to stay
2. to miss
3. to teach
4. to get
5. to see
6. to enjoy
7. to speak
8. to tell
c) in Russia
g) you again
d) friends
h) holidays​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) stay in Russia
2) miss friends
3) teach girls and boys
4) get an invitation
5) see you again
6) enjoy holidays
7) speak English
8) tell the story

dear hobbit,

i would like a best friends, cakes, ice - creams  etc.

would you like  be friends with me?

please come and see me.




уважаемый хоббит,я хотел   отличных друзей, пироженых, мороженых и т. д.

хотите со мной дружить?

, приходите ко мне.

полли (пишите своё имя)


Популярно: Английский язык