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СОР Supply the proper form of the adjective given in the brackets.
Укажите правильную форму прилагательного, приведенную в скобках.

1. How is your father now? Is he any ——————? (Good)
2. May is ——————— than any other month in this part of the globe. (Hot)
3. She is —————— than her sisters. (Pretty)
4. John is ——————— boy in the class. (Smart)
5. Your dog is big, but mine is ——————.(Big)
6. Honor is ——————— to him than life. (Dear)
7. Name —————— city in the world. (Large)
8. She is ——————— friend I have. (Good)
9. His drawing is ————, but yours is ————— (Bad)
10. There is no animal ———————— than the tiger. (Ferocious)
11. He is —————— of the two. (Tall)
12. Sind is —————— part of Pakistan. (Dry)
13. Iron is ——————— than any other metal. (Useful)
14. Who is —————— living poet? (Great)
15. Iron is —————– of all metals. (Useful)
16. You need a —————— diet. (Nutritious)
17. This is the —————— moment of my life. (Proud)
18. That is —————— price I can take. (Little)
19. Silver is ——————– than gold. (Light)
20. Planes are means of travelling of all. (Convenient)​

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Ответы на вопрос:

My toy's name is teddy.  it has got four paws.  its hair is brown.  his teeth are white. (it has got a heart in its paws.)  it   has got small ears.  its mouth is pink.  its eyes are brown.  it is my favourite toy - a teddy bear. у него четыре лапы.  его шерсть  коричневая. его зубы белые.(он держит сердечко в своих лапах.)  у него маленькие ушки.  его рот розовый.  у него коричневые глаза.  это моя любимая игрушка -  плюшевый  медвежонок .

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