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Circle the correct option Living on the streets
A hundred million people around the world are living/live
on the streets at the moment, on dirty pavements or outside
shops. Of course, the problem is very serious in poor countries,
but it 2 exists/is existing in rich countries, too. In Europe,
3 million people 3 sleep/are sleeping on the streets right
now. There are many causes: some, for example,
4 have / are having no home after a period in prison or when
they have arguments with family. Unfortunately, the problem
5 isn't going / doesn't go away and this is partly because
houses 6 cost/ are costing a lot nowadays. However, charities
7 work/are working hard, especially in the winter, to put roofs
over people's heads and to improve the lives of people on
the street. This year, there are many interesting projects. For
example, charities around the world 8 are organizing / organize
a huge football competition for people with no home.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.Ничто не может быть достигнуто без усилий.

2.Любые трудности преодолимы, если хорошенько поработать над их разрешением и запастись терпением.

3.Очень ценится труд человека. Тот, кто много работает достигает успеха.

4.Ребенок постоянно наблюдает и повторяет то, что делают другие люди, особенно его родители. Поэтому дети у трудолюбивой матери тоже трудолюбивые

5.Труд человека облагораживает.

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