Есть ответ 👍

1 A: The phone is ringing. B: I'm going to/'ll get it.
2 A: Do you want to come to a party on Saturday?
B: I can't. My family and I are going to/will go to
London for the weekend.
3 How old are you going to/will you be next birthday?
4 He's putting his coat on. He's going to/will go out.
5 It's cold in here. I'm going to/'ll close the window.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 A: The phone is ringing.

B: I'm going to/'ll get it.

2 A: Do you want to come to a party on Saturday?

B: I can't. My family and I are going to/will go to

London for the weekend.

3 How old are you going to/will you be next birthday?

4 He's putting his coat on. He's going to/will go out.

5 It's cold in here. I'm going to/'ll close the window.


A- 5 (мгу - образовательный институт) b - 10 (арбат - площадь) c - 1 (петровский пассаж - торговый комплекс) d - 8 (третьяковская галлерея - музей) e - 9 (могила неизвестного солдата - памятник) f - 2 (большой театр - театр) g - 3 (лужники - стадион) h - 7 (метрополь - отель) i - 6 (прага - ресторан) j - 4 (пушкинский - кинотеатр)

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