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ОЧЕНЬ составить диалог от лиц русского и иностранного студента о традициях празднования в России и зарубежом, не менее 3 вопросов и ответов от каждого участника диалога

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) my sister was invited to a birthday party by her friend yesterday.  2) my report will be discussed tomorrow. 3) more and more houses are built in our district from year to year. 4) the delegation of foreigh workers was met at the station yesterday. 5) young trees were planted in the streets of our town last autumn. 6) this question is  not discussed at the conference. 7) when was  the radio ivented? 8) when was  "war and peace" written by tolstoy? 9) the letter was sent yesterday  10) not much attention is paid to the living condition of miners nowadays.

Популярно: Английский язык