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1 The device looks great although/whereas it hasn't been tested on humans yet 2 In spite of the fact that/Despite he studied hard, he couldn't understand the process
3 This new technology is the best on the market no matter/with respect to its speed.
4 We know a lot about the brain, yet/even though there is still much to learn about this complex organ. 5 Dr Johnstone has come up to/with an effective new treatment for patients who suffer from frequent headaches.
6 Our research differed from theirs only in respect of/in respect to the methods used. 7 He went back on/in for a memory competition and won first prize by using the method of loci.
8 Despite/However passing the safety tests, the device wasn't approved.
9 Dr Watson will see you today; he's standing in for/up to Dr Jones while she's on leave.
10 No matter/Nevertheless how much research we do, we might never fully understand the human brain.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Earth is the planet we live on. it is third after mercury and venera in solar system. much than half of it is covered with water. we must protect our planet

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