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Complete thе раѕѕаgе with suitable words. заполнить пропуски подходящими словами 1always been very fit and healthy, and I have 2
had a seriousness
However, a couple of weeks 3 l
cought the tu. I must admit that und then,
Lorealised just how unpleasant the fu could be. I had a high temperature for nearly a
week, and my whole body hurt I don't think theve
felt so miserable. It's taking me ages to
get my strength back. It really bothers me that I haven't had enough energy to play football
I got in fact, I have
bean to the doctor to ask it's normal to feel weak for so long. He
says I'll soon feel better Apparently I'm lucky For some people, especially the old and me weak the fu can be
very serious. Doctors have tried
years to find a cure for the fu but they haven't found one
Fortunately, researchers have developed a vaccine which aves effective protection against
the disease. According to my doctor most of his olderly patents have
recerved their tu

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Wegen des zweite welt krieges in 1943 dieses gebäude wurde zerstört. nach dem krieg sind alle zerstörte gebäude   geräumt worden und   auf dem platz von einem wurde es   das gebäude   von verlagshaus "petit" gebaut. heute werden hier die russische zeitungen herausgegeben.

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