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Поставить вопрос в простом настоящем времени Form question in the Present Simple
2-when/his mum/to come/home
3-to be/Peter/from Austria
4 - what/they/to eat/ for breakfast
5-Marie and Joe/to like/ homework
6 - you/to walk/to school
7- where/she/to live
8- why/you/to ride/your bike
9- how/Linda/to go/to the park
10 - can/Ron/to speak/English

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1) When does his mum come home?
2) Is peter from Austria?
3) What do they ear for breakfast?
4) Do Marie and Joe like homework?
5) Do you walk to school?
6) Where does she live?
7) Why do you ride your bike?
8) Hoe does Linda go to the park?
9) Can Rob speak English?

My room isn't very big. there is a piano in the right corner, the sofais in the middle, the table in front of the sofa and two shelves (полки, не знаю как тумбочка) round the sofa. that's all i wanted to say. (это все что я хотел сказать (-:

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