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I. complete the gaps with necessary form of to be . 1) where … you from? – i … from tomsk. 2) why … you so happy today? – because i … at the concert of my favourite pop group tomorrow. 3) where … my favourite music cds? can you see them? – one disc … on the table and three discs …on the bookshelf. 4) this … your new mobile phone, … it? – yes, it … . – … your phone number new or old? – it … old. 5) what colour … your new coat? – it … green and brown. 6) what … your favouritecolours? – my favouritecolour … grey. 7) yesterday it … cold. today it … warm. tomorrow it … cold again, … it? ii. тест 1) выберитеправильныйвариант: i … to the seaside next summer. a) went b) gone c) go d) shall go 2) выберитеправильныйвариантответа: tom… his hand the day before yesterday. a) has hurt b) hurts c) hurted d) hurt e) was hurt 3) вставьтенужнуюформуглагола: i … a book next week a) shall buy b) bought c) buy d) has bought e) buying 4) беритеправильнуюформуглагола: you … himlastsunday. a) didn’t saw b) don’t see c) not see d) didn’t see e) won’t see 5) выберитеправильныйвариант: i…for you at 10 o’clock tomorrow. a) was waiting b) shall be waiting c) were waiting d) wait e) will wait 6) выберитеправильныйвариантсказуемого: he …. to school now . a) goesb) has gonec) am goingd) goe) is going 7) найдисоответствующеесказуемое: columbus… americain 1492. a) has discovered b) discovering c) discovered d) discover e) were discovered 8) найдитеправильноеобстоятельствовремени: wesawthefilm… . a) yet b) at this moment c) two days ago d) tomorrow e) every day

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.are,am 2are, am 3 is, is , are 4is, isn't, is, is, is 5is, is 6 are, is 7.was , is, will be, won't 1d 2a 3a 4d 5a 6e 7c 8c

1) at.9/05 2)10: 00 3) maths 4)10/50 5)eating 6)2.20 но я это уже знала у меня в книге все отмечено

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