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Hello my dear readers/listeners of my story about my schedule for. In the beginning, my day starts with school. I get up at 6:00 , have Breakfast, brush my teeth, put on my school uniform, and go to school. I come home from school at about 13:30. Then I have lunch and go play with my friends. I come home for dinner, do my homework and play a little on the computer , make a bed for sleeping and go to bed. This is how I spend every day except Sunday. On Sunday, I can play with my friends and on the computer as much as I want.


Как-то так.

First my day starts at bed, then I going to brush my teeth, after that, I'm wearing my clothes. I wearing coat or jacket, because at this time winter. My second task is go to school! I have 5 lessons, it's: Math, PE etc. At afternoon I'm returning from school. For expamle: some students from my school returns from school at 6.00 PM. After my return from school, I'm eating dinner. Finally I can play computer computer for 3 hours. At evening I go sleep.

Most of all, I enjoy spending time with close people, friends and family. I have a lot of funny moments with my friends, and every day there are more and more of these moments. Usually, every evening I sit with my family at the table, we have dinner, drink tea, and tell each other how our day went, what happened. When I'm alone at home, I listen to music, exercise, clean or watch movies.


ну как то так)

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