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Нужно сделать краткий пересказ этого текста, без сложных предложений The British secn to enjoy unusual sports more than toost other nationalities. Вut the Bog Snorkelling Championship is one of the strangest. Ie takes place every year in Wales. The competitors have to swim 110 tetres chrough cold, dark, muddy water-without using their amms! And they have to keep their faces in the water at all times, breathing through a snorkel, Who would want to compete in a horible event like chat? Well, in fact moгe than 100 reople enter it cach year, many of them from other countries. Dan Morgan from Vales is the current champion. He finished the course in 1 minute 30 seconds-a world record. s bog snorkeling really so nasty? Sheelagh Tompkins, the woman who started the tournatent, says yes. 'Ie's dark and you can't see, and that's scary.' So why do the British enjoy such unusual sports? Perhaps it 's because we have a chance of winning!

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