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Ребят,проверьте 1)New York isn't in England.It's an America
2)Paul is from Germany.He's German.
3)My sister a doctor.She's thirty years old.
4)It's six o'clock!They're late
5)look at the time!Chris and Mary are late​

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Ответы на вопрос:

)New York isn't in England.It's in America

2)Paul is from Germany.He's German.

3)My sister a doctor.She's thirty years old.

4)It's six o'clock!They're late

5)look at the time!Chris and Mary are late

1.he just left. 2.he left a few minutes ago. 3.have you seen him today? no.  i saw him yesterday. 4.were you ever in india. no, i have never been in india. 5.i haven't translated the article. she was difficult. 6.i live here three years.

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