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Exercise: Fill in the blanks with suitable form of present perfect tense. 1) Emma
this film on TV.(not/to see)
2) When
the office? (to phone)
the Millers
yet? (to arrive)
4) John
on a trip through Alaska.(not/to go)
they ever
to New York? (to be)
6) Andy
his sister's bike.(not/to repair)
7) What
in the kitchen? (to drop)
a new laptop. (to buy)
9) Toby
his blue pen? (to find)
10) The students
their homework.(not/to forget)
11) A: Did you like the movie "Star Wars?"
B: I don't know. I
that movie. (see, never)
12) My best friend and I
each other for over fifteen years.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Have you read the contract?

- No

2) - Did you write to your grandmother?

- Yes

3) He fell from a tree.

4) We ate the whole cake.

5) I didn't take your pencil case.

Популярно: Английский язык