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My name's Vlad Semshov and I live in Moscow. I use a bicycle, but there aren't
many cyclists in this city. There are three
problems. First the pollution. When
you're on a bicycle, you breathe more dirty
air it's really bad. The second problem
is the traffic. Drivers tend to be very
aggressive here, maybe because they spend
a lot of time waiting in traffic jams every
day. I think they're jealous of us, cyclists!
And the third problem is bicycle thieves.
Last year I lost three bicycles! Three! They
were all insured, so I got my money back,
but it's still a major problem. So, cycling
isn't easy in Moscow.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Меня зовут Влад Семшов и я живу в

Москве. Я использую велосипед, но не так уж и

много велосипедистов в этом городе. Есть три

проблемы. Сначала загрязнение. когда

ты на велосипеде, ты дышишь грязным

воздухом и это действительно плохо. Вторая проблема

это трафик. Водители, как правило, очень

здесь агрессивны, может потому, что тратят

много времени в пробках каждый

день. Думаю, они завидуют нам, велосипедистам!

И третья проблема - велосипедные воры.

В году я потерял три велосипеда! Три! Oни

все были застрахованы, поэтому я вернул свои деньги,

но это по-прежнему серьезная проблема. Итак, езда на велосипеде

в Москве непроста.


1. i can speak english. 2. i could ski when i was seven. 3. i will be able to go to the club when my mother comes. 4. the students have to work hard. 5. i’ve bought new skates and tomorrow i will be able to skate. 6. it is cold today. you should put on your coat. 7. we had to wait as the manager was out. 8. we were to meet on monday. 9. every young man must serve in the army. 10. you ought to be more attentive at the lessons

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