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Переведите предложения в косвенную речь! 1. he said, "i like this song." 2. "where is your sister? " she asked me. 3. "i don't speak italian," she said. 4. "say hello to jim," they said. 5. "the film began at seven o'clock," he said. 6. "don't play on the grass, boys," she said. 7. "where have you spent your money? " she asked him. 8. "i never make mistakes," he said. 9. "does she know robert? " he wanted to know. 10. "don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience. 11. "i was very tired," she said. 12. "be careful, ben," she said. 13. "i will get myself a drink," she says. 14. "why haven't you phoned me? " he asked me. 15. "i cannot drive them home," he said. 16. "peter, do you prefer tea or coffee? " she says. 17. "where did you spend your holidays last year? " she asked me. 18. he said, "don't go too far." 19. "have you been shopping? " he asked us. 20. "don't make so much noise," he says.

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Ответы на вопрос:

He said that he didn't like she asked me, where was my sister. she said she didn't they said to say hello to jim 8. he said that he never makes mistakes. 13. she said that she would get herself a drink.

pinocchio is a wooden boy, he has a long nose when he lies, his nose increases, when he speaks the truth, he comes to normal form. pinocchio has blond hair. he walks in an orange sweater, with a red and white striped cap on his head. he walks in wooden boshmaki.

насколько я понял вам нужно описание героев, вообщем вот про буротино.


буратино - деревянный мальчик, у него длинный нос, когда он врёт, его нос увеличивается, когда говорит правду, он приходит в нормальную форму. у буротино светлые волосы. он ходит в оранжевой кофте, на голове у него красно-белый колпак в полоску. а ходит он в деревянных башмаках.

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