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с тестом. Test
1 The earthquake ….. off the coast.
A struck C exceeded
B shook D hurled

2 Let’s ….. out of the car now before we are swept away by the floodwater.
A to get C getting
B get D gets

3 I can’t stand ….. the news about the forest fire. It’s just too upsetting.
A watch C to watching
B to watch D watching

4 There is a flood warning in my city because one of the rivers ….. its banks.
A flooded C broke
B collapsed D burst

5 I regret ….. you that your flight is cancelled due to the storm.
A to tell C tell
B telling D told

6 He would like ….. a rescue worker in the future to help those affected by natural disasters.
A become C to become
B becoming D becomes

7 The ….. of a tsunami wave is so powerful that it can destroy even the strongest buildings.
A crash C collision
B ripple D impact

8 I can’t believe they found a ….. baby under the rubble.
A 6-month-old C 6-months-olds
B 6-months-old D 6-month-olds

9 A great way to protect your home from flooding is to build flood ….. such as barriers and walls.
A levees C defences
B dams D shelters

10 Working as part of an emergency team, you are responsible ….. helping survivors.
A in C to
B for D of

11 I remember ….. you to pack tin food in the emergency kit yesterday.
A asking C to ask
B ask D asked

12 I’m glad to see that after the terrible storm, the city is making a slow ….. .
A survival C surge
B recovery D improvement

13 Ben finally backed ….. and agreed to evacuate his house.
A out C away
B down D up

14 It is important not to turn on the electricity ….. before a flood.
A line C pylon
B supply D equipment

15 I’m happy ….. they rescued the trapped miners.
A seeing C see
B to see D to seeing

16 I’d rather ….. the emergency kit in advance than leave it to the last minute.
A to pack C to packing
B packing D pack

17 Many charities are sending their ….. workers to my city to help those affected by the earthquake.
A relief C safety
B care D emergency

18 He wasted no time ….. for his family after the tsunami.
A to look C look
B looking D to looking

19 Flooding is sometimes caused by ….. increases in temperature.
A sharp C high
B heavy D extreme

20 The city is carrying ….. tests on their tsunami warning system.
A out C away
B along D on

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Ответы на вопрос:

2why don't you explain everything to him? if you (do not tell) him the truth, i'm sure you (will regret) it one day.3 jennifer was here not long ago. if you (had come round) earlier, you (would have seen) her. 4 apparently, the ferry company are planning to close the port in this town. if (happens), the town (will lose) a great deal of money.5 i (would help) you with it if i (had) more time but i'm afraid i haven't got any spare time at all at the moment.6 .the government is expecting to win the next election, but if (loses), the prime (will resign) from politics.7. i am so glad that you took me to your friend's party. if we (had not gone) there, i (would have never met) adrian.8. it's ridiculous that trains are so expensive. if fares (were) cheaper, i'm sure more people (would use) the train and leave their cars at home.9. if she (gets) that job she's applied for, she (will be) delighted. and i think she's got a good chance of getting it.10. fortunately the explosion took place at night when the streets were empty. (would have been) a disaster if (had happened) in the middle of the day.11. the talks between the two leaders keep breaking down. if they (break down) again, it is possible that there (will be) a war between the two countries.12. if alison (knew) anything about car mechanics, i'm sure she (would help) us fix the car, but i think she knows even less than we do.13. they've been married for twenty years now but i don't think she (would have married) him if she (had known) what a selfish man he was.14. children spend too much time watching television and playing computer games. i'm sure they (would be) happier if they (spent) more time playing outside.15. jamie has everything he wants but he's always moaning. i'm sure that if i (had) so much money, i (would not moan) all the time.

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