Есть ответ 👍

1 “This is a very misleading advertisement,” said Marla.

2 “Is this the new soft drink advert?” Mum asked.

3 “Please, don’t forget to pay the bill at the bank,” she said to me.

4 “Where’s my new watch?” Dad asked.

5 “Open your books on page 91, please,” the teacher said to us.

6 “I will meet you outside the building,” he said.

7 “My soup is cold!” Kate said.(complained)

8 “There will be a meeting in my office at 5 pm, Bill,” said Mr. Preston.(informed)

9 “Go to your room!” Mum said to me.(ordered)

10 “You should not pay so much attention to adverts,” said our teacher.(advised)

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 Marla said, what this is a very misleading advertisement.

2 Mam asked, what Is this the new soft drink advert?.

3 She said to me, what please, don’t forget to pay the bill at the bank.

4 dad asked, what Where’s my new watch?

5 the teacher said to us, what open your books on page 91, please.

6 He said, what i will meet you outside the building.

7 Kate complained, what my soup is cold.

8 Mr. Preston informed, what there will be a meeting in my office at 5 pm, Bill .

9 Mum ordered to me, what go to your room!.

10 Our teacher advised, what you should not pay so much attention to adverts.

перевел из прямой речи в косвенную.

I would prefer to pay in cash rather than by credit card.

We'd prefer to call our child David, rather than calling him Stephen.

I'd rather you had said  that you didn't want to come!

I'd rather have gone by plane but I couldn't afford the air fare.


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