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4. Read the rest of the conversation between Aigul and David. What are they cooking? Complete the sentences with some/any and is/are.
there eggs in the fridge?
David: Yes, there
eggs. Mmm... 10 eggs.
Aigul: We need only 2 eggs. there
flour in the cupboard?
David: Yes, there
Aigul: We need 600 grams of flour. We also need some salt and water,
David: What are we cooking?
Aigul: Beshbarmak!
David: What's beshbarmak?
Aigul: It's a national Kyrgyz dish. Beshbarmak means "five fingers."
We call it 'beshbarmak' because we eat it with our hands.
David: Wow! That's very interesting! !​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. capital punishment was (past simp act) an obligatory element in the life of society throughout humankind's history. 2. a law passing through parliament is called (pres simp pass) a bill. 3. the authorities allowed (past simp act) their electors to send votes by post. 4. each constituency will elect (fut simp act) a single delegate to the house of commons.

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