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Написать рассказ "Золотая осень" на английском языке (10 предложений, программа 6-ого класса​

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There are four seasons in a year and all of them are beautiful in their own way. However, my favourite season is autumn. First of all my birthday is in October. Second reason is connected with the school. Each year on the 1st of September the school starts and I get to see my beloved classmates and friends. Other than that, our school holds a beauty contest each autumn. I sometimes participate in this event and once I even won the first prize. It was an e-book from one of our school sponsors.

However, the main reason why I love autumn that much is in the beauty of nature and its abundance of colours. I really love late autumn weather. It can be windy, rainy and chilly sometimes, but I enjoy taking long walks in the nearest woods. You can see lots of multicolored leaves covering the ground.

To keep a piece of this beauty, I either take pictures of those leaves, or pick them to make ikebana. It’s the Japanese art of arranging flowers and leaves so that they look alive.

I know that autumn, compared to other seasons, is the time when nature fades, but this looks like a miracle. It’s a natural cycle of life sprouting, blossoming, growing, and then fading. They say that autumn is the best season for planting trees and gathering harvest. I’m sure, that’s what farmers from all the corners of our planet do at this time of the year. To savor the colours of fall there is no place like mountains.

That’s why our teacher sometimes arranges hiking trips to the nearest mountainous area. Apart from that, we have a week’s holiday in November, which I try to spend usefully.

Золотая осень - это пора когда приходит много красок. Осень - это самое красивое и необычное явление. Осенью листья кружась падают на землю. Листья бывают красные, желтые и оранживые. Удевительно но ведь осень это пора для романтики и любви. Пары гуляют в парке, даже до поздна. Немного прохладно бывает осенью.И дожди идут. Но ведь всё равно осень это очень красиво. Надеюсь что эта Золотая осень никогда не кончиться!


Golden autumn is a time when many colors come. Autumn is the most beautiful and unusual phenomenon. In autumn, the leaves fall to the ground in a circle. The leaves are red, yellow, and orange. Surprisingly, autumn is the time for romance and love. Couples walk in the park, even late. It is a little cool in the fall, and it rains. But all the same, autumn is very beautiful. Hope this Golden Autumn will never end!

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