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Present Continuous Look at the pictures, then choose the correct option 1- What is she doing? a) He is eafing c) She is eating b) She is playing d) She eating 11.- Is he going to bed? a) Yes, he isn't c) No, he isn't b) No, he is d) Yes he is 2.- What doing? b) are them d) they are 12.- Are they participating? S a) Yes, they are ) Yes, they aren't d) Yes, they is b) No, they aren t a) are they c) is they 3- What is she doing? 13.- a) She is smiling c) She are eating b) She is crying d) She is cring a) is they c) Is she 4.- What is he doing? a) He swinging c) He swings b) He is swinging d) She is swinging b) Yes, they are d) Basketball 5.- They. a) are making a snowman b) are jumping c) is making a snowman d) make a snowman b) No, they aren't Yes, they aren't d) Yes, they is 16.- They.. a) are cooking c) aren'i cooking 6.- She. a) are saving money b) is saveing money c) is saveing money d) is saving money b) is cooking d) cooking 7- What are they doing? a) They clean c) They are cleaning 17.- What are they doing? a) She is cutting c) They are cuting b) They cutting d) They are cutting They are running 18.-He. a) are talking c) is talking b) are taking d) aren't talking a) is kicking c) isn't kiking b) is kicing d) are kicking 9- What are they drinking? a) In the kitchen c) Yes, they are 19.-Are they climbing? b) water d) Right now a) Yes, they aren't b) Yes, they are c) No, they are d) No, they aren't 10.- What a) are he doing b) is she doing? c) are they doing d) is he doing? My name is: Grade: Group:​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. my son will be a diver
2. he goops every day
3. my friends were veopreps
4. she was a teacher

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