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Решить задание по английскому: 8.5 be going to

1 Put the word s in the correct order to make sentences.

0 They / study / are / Science / in / going / Berlin / to

They are going to study Science in Berlin.

1 go / going / Susan / not / university / to / to / is

2 film / watch / to / going / are / you / What / ?

3 use / to / transport / We / going / public / are

4 light / off / you / turn / to / going / Are / the / ?

5 They / married / going / get / to / are

6 sandwich / bird / take / to / your / going / That / is

7 not / tonight / I / study / going / am / to

8 old / lunch / John / pub / an / going / is / have / to / in


2 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box . There is one extra word in the box.

ar e ar e going going going to isn’t
isn’t going to not to to

0 I’m going to study this weekend.

1 you going to look for a job this summer?

2 Liam going to feed the cat now.

3 They to go on holiday in November.

4 The workers are have a break in fifteen minutes.

5 Are they to travel by plane?

6 Are you going adopt this dog?

7 I am going to ask you again.



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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the car was cleaned - машина была помыта. 2. the letter was written by me - письма написаны мной. 3. the lesson has just been finished - урок только что закончен. 4. i will be tested next year - меня экзаменуют в следующем году. 5. the window is cleaned every day - окно моют каждый день. 6. this books were written by pushkin - эти книги были написаны пушкиным. 7. the dinner hab been cooked before my father arrived - ужин был приготовлен до того, как приехал мой папа. 8. my keys were stolen - мои ключи украли. 9. the fish was caught by bird - рыба была поймана птицей. 10. they are invited to the party - они приглашены на вечеринку.

Популярно: Английский язык