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Exercise 2. Use the definite article ("the") where it is necessary. 1. ... Atlantic Ocean is between ... Africa and ... America.
2. Which river is longer ... Mississippi or... Nile?
3. ... Texas is famous for ... oil and ... cowboys.
4. My friend studies ... IT at ... Sevastopol University.
5. I hope to go to ... United States next year.
6. I have been to ... South of Russia.
7. ... Corsica is an island in ... Mediterranean.
8. ... Tower of London is a museum now.
9. Have you ever been to ... Canary Island?
10. ...sky is grey with clouds.
Exercise 3. Choose the correct option and fill the sentences.
(1) country I'd most like to visit is India. I'd love to take (2) train
ride down (3) _ western coast and (4) __boat trip along (5)
Yamuna river. Of course, I'd visit (6) __Taj Mahal - it's probably (7)
most famous building in (8) whole country. I'd like to go there
with my family. My partner and I have 3 children - 2 girls and
boy and I'd love (10) children to see and experience India
while they're still young.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

2 a wart - бородавка, нарост

3 a sore throat - больное горло

4 a cold - простуда

5 eczema

6 a cut - порез

7 sunburn - солнечный ожог

8 a verruca - бородавка на ступне

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