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Help! вибрати варіант, який може використовуватися в пропозиціях. 1. mike hoped that his friend ( help ) him with his car. a) would help b) will help g) helped 2. we didn't know the score, but we were sure their team (lose) the game. a) has lost b) had lost c) lost 3. yesterday tom heard that his aunt (be ill) for five days. a) was ill b) has been ill c) had been ill 4. the children were afraid of making any noise. — morn (sleep). a) was sleeping b) slept c) had been sleeping 5. he gave all his money to me because he (trust) me. a) would trust b) trusted c) had trustedtask 1. the day before yesterday we (invite) to the restaurant by tom jenkins. a) are invited b) were invited c) invite 2. look! the bridge (repair). a) is being repaired b) is been repaired c) has being repaired 3. the letter and the parcel (post) tomorrow. a) will be posted b)will have been posted c) will be posted 4.margeret (knew)to be very industrions person a) has been known b) is known c) is been known 5. in greece the olympic games (hold) once in four years. a) were held b) are being held c) are held

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. mike hoped that his friend ( help ) him with his car.a) would help 2. we didn't know the score, but we were sure their team (lose) the game. b) had lost 3. yesterday tom heard that his aunt (be ill) for five days. c) had been ill 4. the children were afraid of making any noise. — morn (sleep). a) was sleeping 5. he gave all his money to me because he (trust) me. b) trusted 1. the day before yesterday we (invite) to the restaurant by tom jenkins. b) were invited 2. look! the bridge (repair). a) is being repaired 3. the letter and the parcel (post) tomorrow.a) will be posted c) will be posted одинаковые 4.margeret (knew)to be very industrions person   b) is known5. in greece the olympic games (hold) once in four years. a) were held

1) a new dress was bought for ann last sunday. 2) the letters, newspapers are brought by the postman. 3) the room will be cleaned tomorrow. 4) this text was translated by me yesterday. 5) i think i will be asked at the next lesson. 6) many interesting films are shown at the cinema every day. 7) usually our town is decorated before holidays. 8) america was discovered by columbus many years ago. 9) the books are read to my small sister every day. 10) this problem will be discussed at the meeting next week. 1) прошлое воскресенье для энн было куплено новое платье. 2) письма и газеты приносит почтальон. 3) номер приберут завтра. 4) этот текст был переведен мной вчера. 5) я думаю, что меня попросят на следующем уроке. 6) многие интересные фильмы показывают в кино каждый день. 7) обычно наш город украшается перед праздниками. 8) америка была открыта колумбом много лет назад. 9) к аждый день моей маленькой сестре читают книги. 10) эта проблема будет обсуждаться на заседании на следующей неделе.

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