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Прочтите и заполните. Используйте Present Simple или Present Continuous Today is my sister’s birthday and the whole family is busy! Dad is tidying up (tidy up) the house and Mom (prepare) the food for the party – it’s all vegetarian because some of our guests (not eat) meat. It’s a lot of work for Mom but she really enjoys it. We always (have) a party on Jane’s birthday, of course! Jane’s birthday is in the summer, so we usually (go) to the park for a picnic in the sun but this year she (have) her party at home. It’s going to be lots of fun because it’s a fancy dress party!

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is preparing

don't eat



is having

надеюсь правильно

Pr.s. she wants to by a new book p.s. they stole my dad's car f.s. he will think about her offer pr.c. i am writing a sentece now p.c. we were reading a newspaper at 7 o'clock yesterday f.c. she will be learning chemistry tomorrow, while we will be playing football pr.p. they have called us 4 times p.p. he had spent money before we caught him f.p. i will have built a castle by 13 o'clock pr.p.c. she has been waiting for his call for a whole day p.p.c. we had been cooking dinner for 3 hour before our guests came f.p.c. you will have been seeking me for an hour by the time i come home

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