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Product: Magic music G42 in-ear headphones. They are available in white and black with long red wires and look really cool! Generally, the sound quality is acceptable, in spite of the fact that it is not always with high notes, and the sound is well-balanced between right and left ear pieces. One more advantage is that the headphone volume is quite loud, which means that you don’t need to put your phone or MP3 player on maximum volume. They have an easy-to-use volume control on the cable, which is used to manage the volume or to change the song too. The headphones are comfortable and don’t fall out like others I’ve had before. The cables are long enough to put behind your ears, which I like. The ear pieces are made of metal, not plastic, so should last more. You get a travel case and a cable clip with these earphones. At £40 these earphones are great value for money, and ideal for me.
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Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how i wonder what you are! up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky! when the blazing sun is gone, when he nothing shines upon, then you show your little light, twinkle, twinkle, all the night. then the traveller in the dark, thanks you for your tiny spark, he could not see which way to go, if you did not twinkle so. in the dark blue sky you keep, and often through my curtains peep, for you never shut your eye, till the sun is in the sky. as your bright and tiny spark, lights the traveller in the dark,— though i know not what you are, twinkle, twinkle, little star. ты мигай, звезда ночная! где ты, кто ты - я не знаю. высоко ты надо мной, как алмаз во тьме ночной. только солнышко зайдет, тьма на землю упадет, - ты появишься, сияя. так мигай, звезда ночная! тот, кто ночь в пути проводит. знаю, глаз с тебя не сводит: он бы сбился и пропал, если б свет твой не сиял. в темном небе ты не спишь, ты в окно ко мне глядишь, бодрых глаз не закрываешь, видно, солнце поджидаешь. эти ясные лучи светят путнику в ночи. кто ты, где ты - я не знаю, но мигай, звезда ночная!

Популярно: Английский язык