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С АНГЛИЙСКИМ Подростковый журнал попросил своих читателей принять участие в конкурсе описательных статей под названием "Праздники со всего света". Напишите свою статью, описывающую торжество в вашей стране (120-180 слов).

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Ответы на вопрос:

решение 1

Key Words: teenage magazine, descriptive writing competition, 'Celebrations Around the World', article describing a celebration, 120-180 words

I will write a descriptive article. (Я напишу описательную статью)

It is for readers of a teenage magazine. (Она для читателей подросткового журнала)

Ivan Kupala Day is celebrated all over Russia and takes place usually on 7th July. It is held to celebrate the holiday of St John the Baptist (Ivan Kupala and it is still very popular today with young Russians.

Everything about the celebration relates to water. On the evening before called Tvorila night, children have playful water fights and throw buckets of water all over each other.

Some people consider Ivan Kupala day to be the first day of the swimming season and if the water is warm enough, boys and girls often swim happily in rivers and lakes until late at night. Girls like to float candles and delicate flowers in the hope that it will bring them happy marriages. In the past, young people burned fires and jump joyfully over them holding hands. There is also a belief that on the eve of Ivan Kupala magical herbs can be found in the forests.

In villages all over the country, people look forward to Ivan Kupala Day enthusiastically. It isan ancient celebration which continues to be fun for all family members whatever their ages

решение 2

Victory Day in Russia is a national holiday that is held on 9th May. It officially marks the day when the war ended in 1945 and the main reason for the celebration is to remember the people who died or took part in the war in another way. For example, some citizens who did not fight had to work in the factories making guns.

On 9th May, people lay flowers on graves, veterans march in parades wearing their medals and the President of Russia sends out letters to congratulate the veterans for their bravery. In homes all over Russia families enjoy eating huge feasts and giving presents to one anot

решение 3

The Victory day

The Victory day is celebrated across all Russia on May 9. It passes on the main square the country. The reason of a celebration is that we won against fascists!

In honor of this significant day everyone can watch parade on the square and also there is a concert. Also Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin tells the patriotic speech.

I think that after parade people are proud of the Homeland and the ancestors who so desperately battled for Russia the Mother!




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