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1. There's a poster in/in front of/on the wall 2. My bedroom is next to/under/between the bathroom
3. The cat is between /under/in the table
4. The books are under/between /on the vase and the lamp​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. on - Этот постер на стене

2. next to - Моя комната следующая после ванной комнаты

3. under - Этот кот под столом

4. under - Эти книги лежат под лампой

1.   it's novel romeo and juliet

2. it was written about 1594–96.

3. it was written by william shakespeare

4. it's about love to death

5. main characters of this poem are romeo and juliet

Популярно: Английский язык