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Vocabulary: Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box. abundance; concept; consumer; firm; Industrial Revolution; population; precious metals; production process; profit; raw materials; satisfaction; scarcity
1. The ___ began in the late 18th century when machines started to replace human workers. 2. Sand and limestone are the ___ needed to make glass.
3. The ___ to make a car involves many people and machines.
4. The extra money a company makes is called .
5. People want ___ from the products they buy. 6. ___ is when there is very little of something. 7. ___ is when there is lots of something.
8. Gold and silver are examples of ___.
9. Another word for idea is ___.
10. The ___ is the number of people a country has. 11. A business or company is sometimes called a ___. 12. When we buy things or use services we are a ___.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.industrial revolution

2.raw materials

3.production process





8.precious metals






1. Industrial revolution

2. raw materials

3. process

4. profit

5. production process

6. scarcity

7. abundance

8. precious metals

9. concept

10. population

11. firm

12. consumer


I am English so I know.

1.my mother sad that i don't forget my homework 2.my father asked me if i would go to the disco 3.teacher said to me that i should to open the books 4.tom said that he was in the crimea last year извини, остально не успеваю!

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