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Заполнить пропуски возвратными местоимениями ( с пояснением если сможете) Фотка закреплена

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Здесь нет ни одного возвратного местоимения.

Возвратные - это myself, yourself, himself и т.д. (будут переводиться 'себя').

В этом же тексте личные, указательные, притяжательные, вопросительные местоимения. Задание совершенно неправильное.


The chess is a board game for two players. before the start of the game you must put in order all the pieces on the board with sixty five squares and choose the colour of the figures. white figures start. in this game you must move your figures and kill figures of your opponent. every figure has its own move. main figure is king, but it can move on the one square. the aim of the game is to put an opponent in checkmate. it means that you have to put the opponent`s king in an impossible position. the chess is a hard game for the majority of people, but some clever people are very good at this game. during the game you must think out the game progress on five move ahead.

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